
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Last class for Term 3!


As usual I'm rushing to get something on the blog! I really will have to try to manage my time better next term! It's been a long term but a good one I think! I hope you agree!

I hope you all had a good excursion to the Camellia Gardens yesterday. I tried to put a link to the gardens, but I think they are all very disappointing links unless you want to plan a wedding or check out the tea house! I'll be waiting to read a recount of your excursion on your blogs VERY soon!! Don't forget that you are also to post the research you did on your country/town!

Congratulations to Vicky who did a great job on identifying the objects in Rosa's puzzle pic! Ling came a close second though, as did Maria whose answers were very similiar!!!! Poor Li Ping inadvertently deleted the template of her blog so is unable to publish any posts! (Rosa suggests you just change your template design and you may be able to continue! I hope so!)

By the way, check out the comments on Wendy's blog post from last week! She had an interesting visitor to her site! Did anyone else????

Please be careful when writing your posts! It is very important that the words you use are your own and NOT taken straight from a websie. That's plagarism and it is cheating! You must also be careful of infringing the copyright rules. If you DO copy someone else's words then PLEASE acknowledge the source.

Anyway, to today's work! Open Ourclass2006 and read Rosa's instructions for the activities about the Health Expo. Try the surveys and do the BMI test! It's fun and interesting, I think!

Any of the work you don't finish today you can complete during the holidays! Remember too to try and get some donations for the raffle! Everyone is depending on our class!!!!

Thank you all for a great term's work. I hope you have a bit of a break and come back refreshed and ready for a short 8week term.

Happy holidays and happy blogging!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

It's been a hot one, hasn't it?

This week's puzzle! Identify this building! Where is it? When was it built? What is it used for?? Post your answer in Comments!


What a burst of summer we've had this week? I'm certainly not used to it! I still have all my summer clothes and sandals packed away! How long will this weather last? Will there be a return to winter next week?

I was delighted to see 7 comments on last week's post! You all correctly identified the flower as a waratah which is of course the emblem of NSW. Well done!

Some of you have correctly identified most of the items hidden in Rosa's picture but I'm very surprised that no one guessed the little picture on the right hand side, - you should recognise it, as you always notice everything about me!!!!!!!!!! I'll give you one last chance to identify the items and I'll post the complete list next week!

Look at Rosa's blog for this week and do the activites she's posted. I especially want you to do the one about thin models!!

Some of you are way behind in completeing the weekly tasks. Please try to catch up on all the work from previous postings! You want to pass this computer module, don't you?
Happy blogging!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The week that was!


Well, it's been a very busy week in class, hasn't it? We've been practising the Present Perfect and hasn't that given way to lots of questions? I thought I'd be able to have a break from Grammar until Vicky's question opened a can of worms!! Now we're doing the Present Continuous AS WELL as the Past Continuous! When will I get a chance to give you some assessments!!

Gordana has asked me to give you time this afternoon to do research for her. I've no problem with that but, as she and I discussed, I'd like you to post your FINISHED report on your blogs.

I'm not setting anything really new today, you have a few things to finish up I think. Hopefully the sound/microphones are working and you can add the narration to your photostories.! Have you all finished the puzzle questions? Let me know and I'll check the blogs to see who wins a prize!

If you want to do some grammar, have a look at Time4English
Click on T on the alphabet and under Tense look athe the Present perfect exercises. I think there are about 3 or 4 of them! And the new one is Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous!

Happy blogging!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006



The tragic news of Steve Irwin's death has made us all realise that we should make the most of each day as we just don't know when the end will be! The title of today's blog is written in Latin. (Latin was a languge spoken in Italy many, many years ago. Many of our English words come from this language - especially legal words.) Can you work out what it means? Click on the link and by scrolling through the list of Latin idioms you will find the meaning of Carpe Diem. Tell me what it means by posting a comment to me!

Rosa has posed a few questions in her blog which should keep you busy for two hours! When you find out what's in the picture, you can put your answers in a new post and I'll give you a prize if your answers are correct! Don't let Vicky be the only person to do it this time!!!!

Remember to finish your photostory and show it to me. I'll tell you how to put it in your blog then!! Hopefully, we'll get the sound working soon!

Until next time! Happy Blogging!